an introduction of sorts...


a post about why i'm back with a new format

 so it's been a while and i'm not sure anyone is that interested with an explanation as to why i've been gone so i think i'll skip that bit. (although i'm not sure anyone is interested in any of this if i'm honest) i decided i didn't like the format of inserting pictures into long text posts on tumblr (which is one of the reasons i haven't posted any of the photos from my new york trip) so i've made this blog for that. basically this will be secondary to my main tumblr and this will consist of long posts (with/without photos), misc. posts, etc. i'll still mostly be on my tumblr and will always link these posts to my tumblr. anyway thanks for sticking around despite the fact i've been m.i.a. for almost two months. hopefully i'll get the stuff from new york, new writing, and maybe a little extra up this week. xx